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πŸ“„ Documents you need to enter Thailand

Are you wondering what documents you need to enter the Kingdom of Thailand as a US citizen?

I’ve researched all the official government websites and gathered all the important documents and paperwork you are going to need to enter Thailand without a problem.

NOTE: There are different requirements depending on the country you’re from, but most countries require the same documents and paperwork. Do your own research if you’re not sure what you need.

1. Passport – A little obvious but needs to be said all the same. Make sure that it’s valid for more than 6 months from the entry date.

2. Thailand Pass – The application is free and takes 3-7 days to process.

3. Travel healthcare insurance – For your whole stay in Thailand with a minimum coverage of $20,000 USD. It also needs to cover any Covid medical expenses.

4. Certificate of Covid-19 vaccination – Proof that you are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 no less than 14 days before traveling.

5. Proof of flight leaving the country – You are allowed to travel through Thailand for up to 30 days without a visa. But you need to show your onward flight ticket or your round-trip flight ticket that shows you are leaving the country in less than 30 days from your entry date.

6. And if you plan on staying in Thailand for longer than 30 days, you’ll also need a Thai visa – Depending on how many days you plan on staying (and your reasons for staying) in Thailand, there are multiple visas you can apply for. Learn more about Thai visa applications HERE.

✨Extra tip: Print (and make copies of) all of these documents for easy access at the airports.

If you need help planning your trip to Thailand, check out my travel planning services for more info!

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Selfie in the Grand Royal Palace

May 4, 2022

  1. […] if you’re staying for less than 30 days, check out my blog about the documents you need to enter Thailand, which apply to everyone no matter how long you’re […]

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