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Traveling is one of the most exciting and enriching experiences one can have. However, it can also be quite expensive if you don’t plan it right. Fortunately, there are many websites that can help you book an affordable trip.

Laurie smiling down at her laptop

July 20, 2023

Group travel can be a great way to see the world and make new friends along the way. However, it’s important to consider both the pros and cons before deciding if it’s the right choice for you.

FFT Group photo

July 6, 2023

I packed EVERYTHING I thought necessary to pack, whether than turned out to be true or not. And thankfully, I plan on living in warm tropical weather. I ended up packing 1 big suitcase, 1 carry-on, and 1 backpack for my long-term travels through Southeast Asia.

pack for long-term travel

May 26, 2022

Long-term traveling is a little different from vacationing. You have to prepare for every situation you might encounter out on the road. This list contains the items that are best bought BEFORE you go on your long-term trip.

Luggage at airport

April 28, 2022

The hardest part of this journey is probably saying goodbye to your friends and family for a while. Heck, you might even miss your old coworkers. Here are a few things to do to mentally prepare for the long-distance.

Birthday bonfire party

April 21, 2022

As fun as it is to plan to live in a new country, there are a few things you need to research and take care of before leaving your country.

World map

April 15, 2022

Learn what online skills you could learn to start earning money online, and my favorite resources to help you along the way.

Digital Nomad Lifestyle

March 3, 2022