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nice to meet you!

I'm so glad you're here!

I'm a multi-passionate entrepreneur with a love for traveling, being creative, and planning things!

So I decided to combine all those things and become a travel planner, travel blogger, travel vlogger, and travel influencer while I live as a full-time digital nomad. Like I said, multi-passionate.

I also love helping budget-conscious millennials travel on a budget to their dream destinations. Because traveling doesn't have to be expensive when you know how to plan for it and where to find the best deals. 😉


Laurie Salmeron

Laurie              Salmeron

I started The Places Laurie Goes in January 2022. Soooo, not too long ago to be honest. But I'm realizing that everything that's happened in my life has been preparing me for this adventure I'm about to embark on. 

From the many trips my parents took me on growing up and having the opportunity to study abroad in Madrid for 6 months, to moving to California by myself 7 years ago and learning the value of my hard-earned money.

But also, all the years of research and preparation for this lifestyle, and all the time and money I've invested learning so many different digital skills, so I can earn money online while I travel the world full-time.

All of it has been preparing me to start this travel brand and share my passion for budget-traveling with all of you!

By incorporating both my creative & analytical sides I can create fun and memorable travels, while looking for the best deals. And I love to offer my expertise & passion for all things travel so everyone's experience is amazing, unique, and stress-free.