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4 tips for visiting Thailand

Are you planning on visiting Thailand? Here are a few tips and things to know before leaving for Thailand. Be a smart traveler and prepare for anything to come.

Thailand tip #1: You need to carry CASH at all times!

Specifically Thai bahts (THB) = ฿

You need Thai bahts to:

  • Pay for taxis and tuk-tuks (they only take cash)
  • Pay for things at street markets (they only take cash)
  • Pay for food at food stands and restaurants (most only take cash or have a minimum amount to pay with a card)
  • Pay admission at most temples (so far only the Royal Grand Palace let us pay with a card)

You can easily exchange your US dollars for Thai bahts at a currency exchange counter OR you can take cash out at an ATM in any city you are visiting.

And what’s the exchange rate to US dollars? Well, as off right now (June 2022) the exchange is:

  • ฿1 (coin) = $0.03 USD
  • ฿2 (coin) = $0.06 USD
  • ฿5 (coin) = $0.15 USD
  • ฿10 (coin) = $0.30 USD
  • ฿20 (green bill) = $0.60 USD
  • ฿50 (blue bill) = $1.50 USD
  • ฿100 (red bill) = $3 USD
  • ฿500 (violet bill) = $15 USD
  • ฿1000 (brown bill) = $30 USD

I would recommend carrying around 5000 THB, which is around $150 USD for a week-long trip, for 1 person. It should be enough for food, drinks, transportation and activities.

Thailand tip #2: Things to beware of when moving around Thailand

Thailand’s streets are pretty wild. It’s mostly safe when walking around on the sidewalk… except for the occasional motorbike driving through them. Not sure why they do that with the road literally right next to it. But when you’re actually on the road, either crossing it or on a public transportation, there’s a few things you should beware of.

Taxis: Beware of taxis that don’t want to put the meter on or try to bargain the price of the trip. More often than not you’re going to end up paying 2X or even 3X the actual fare. Insist on the meter or GET OUT! 

Tuk-tuks: Tuk-tuks don’t have meters, so they certainly will try to bargain an inflated fare for their rides. I recommend checking on the app Grab how much it would cost to go to wherever you want to go and bargain the price down to a similar amount. It might not always work, but at least you’ll pay a more reasonable price for the ride.

Also, tuk-tuks around the Grand Royal Palace in Bangkok will try to convince you that you can’t enter the Palace at the moment because they are praying. They’ll suggest driving you around a few temples and returning you to the Palace some 2 – 3 hours later when you “can” enter. This is a LIE!!!! We fell for it, and although the tuk-tuk ride around the temples was only 40 THB [$1.20 USD], we realized it was a scam when the next day they tried telling us the same thing, right after we had already been inside the Palace. So don’t fall for it! Just ignore them and keep on with your plans to visit the Palace.

Crossing the streets: Like I mentioned above, walking around the streets in Thailand is a fun, exhilarating, and rather dangerous experience. Especially when it comes to crossing the streets. Even when walking signs are green, IF you can find a crossing line, the priority on the road is for cars and motorbikes. They’ll literally drive in front of and around you until they’re about to hit you (they usually don’t, but they get way too close). Even locals run a little when crossing the streets to avoid being hit. So keep an eye open and use the most precautions possible. 

Thailand tip #3: Careful with the tap water

Don’t drink water from the faucet. But you can use it for anything else, like showering, washing your hands and face, and doing dishes.

Keep a few bottles of water in the hotel room to brush your teeth with and for drinking.

And stay hydrated! Bottles of water cost 7 to 60 THB [$0.20 to $1.25 USD] depending on where you are. 

Thailand tip #4: Pack for tropical weather

Thailand’s weather is pretty warm and humid. Meaning that it stays mostly warm all year long, and you can expect heavy rain (especially during the rainy season). 

Temperatures can reach up to 102º F and it’s very humid. And even at night, the temperature stays at around 75º F. So pack loose and comfy clothes so you don’t suffocate in the heat. Meaning, leave your jeans and jackets behind!

But do bring at least a pair of long loose pants (or a long skirt) and shirts that cover your shoulders when visiting temples. And don’t forget to pack a raincoat or umbrella for the rain!

Like always, I hope you found this post helpful in your research to prepare to visit Thailand. And I’m sure I’ll keep adding more Thailand tips and upgrading this blog post as I become more experienced with life in Thailand.

In the meantime, you can read more Thailand related blog posts HERE to help you prepare for your trip.

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Bangkok river and city view

June 16, 2022

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