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How to prepare for a digital nomad lifestyle – Part 2

Welcome to the 2nd part of the series: How to prepare for a digital nomad lifestyle – Doing lots and lots and lots of research.

Everyone has their own journey preparing for the digital nomad lifestyle. And mine started around 6 years ago. So I’ve been researching A LOT, for a long time. I’ve researched everything from how others live as digital nomads, what they do, how they do it, why they do it, and what I can learn from their experiences.

I’ve researched different ways to make money online, visa AND covid requirements for every country I want to live in this year, the cost of living in all these countries, how taxes work as a digital nomad/ex-pat, best banks and credit cards for travel rewards, and so much more!

Unfortunately, since the start of the pandemic, a lot of this information keeps changing, so I’ve been keeping up to date as more updates become available. But, of course, as digital nomads, this is an ongoing task we have to do every time we want to travel somewhere new, which will be pretty frequently.

Good thing I enjoy it! And I hope you enjoy it if you want to embark on this adventure too.

And to make it easier for you, I’ve compiled a few websites and resources that can help you with your own research.

Research how to make money online

The first thing you have to figure out when thinking about becoming a digital nomad is how to make money while traveling the world. In my last blog post, I talked about all the different in-demand skills you can choose from to start making money online and become location independent. I also mentioned different platforms and programs to help you learn these kinds of skills, but also how to start an online business. Check it out HERE.

Research places you want to live in

There’s a lot to consider when moving to a new country, even if it’s just for a few months. Like what’s the currency and language, how much are short-term rentals or Airbnbs, how expensive is it to eat and drink out, how’s the public transportation, what are the best areas to live in, how’s the wifi, and so many more things.

Luckily, there’s a lot of information out there about these things. And the first website I go to is Nomad List. Made by digital nomads for digital nomads, they have asked and answered every question you might have about almost every country and city in the world. It’s the perfect starting point for your research as you can gather a lot of information in just 1 place.

Once you know which cities and countries you want to live in (at least for the next few months) Google how to live in each city as a digital nomad to get the most relevant information and start creating a plan to make it happen.

Research what you should do and get before you leave

As fun as it is to plan to live in a new country soon, there are a few things you need to take care of before leaving your country:

1. Visa requirements – Research if you need any visas to enter the country and what documents you might need to gather for the application.

2. Covid requirements – Keep up to date with any covid requirements (both before leaving your country and once you arrive in the new country).

3. Passport – Get a new passport or renew yours with enough time (at least 3 months before your trip). If you already have a passport, check that your passport isn’t going to expire within 6 months from arriving in the new country.

4. Credit Cards – Take advantage of travel credit cards to get the most points and cashback from your purchases. From your airplane tickets and accommodations to eating at restaurants and taking guided tours, you can earn more from your purchases with the right credit cards.

5. Bank Accounts – Although not as important as a travel credit card, if you can get an international bank account and debit card you can save money on fees and access your money more easily.

6. Taxes – I’m no expert on taxes, so you have to do your research on how taxes work when living abroad. Especially since each state might have its own requirements and rules.

7. Selling, donating, or storing your possessions – Think about what you want to do with the things you are leaving behind. Sell or donate what you want to part with, and rent a storage space for the items you want to keep but not take with you. Alternatively, if you have a family member that is ok with you leaving your stuff in their house, you can save yourself some money.

8. International Driver’s Permit – If you’re planning on driving around in a foreign country, I recommend getting an international driver’s permit. It’s easy to get through AAA and it’s valid for 1 whole year. But you still need to have your actual driver’s license with you at all times when driving.

9. Vaccines – Other than your Covid-19 vaccines, you should talk to your doctor about any travel vaccines (and other medications) you might need depending on the countries you are going to visit or live in.

10. Medical/Travel Insurance – There are a few options out there for travel insurance and medical insurance, but why not get both for a really affordable price? After thorough research, I found SafetyWing to be the best option for travel medical insurance for digital nomads. Starting at $42/month, you can be covered medically on your travels around the world (including Covid-19 coverage) but also get covered for common travel mishaps that might happen while abroad. Learn more about SafetyWing HERE.

Heads up: As a way to earn passive income, this post may contain affiliate links. This means that if you buy something through one of those links, I might get a commission at NO extra cost to you. I appreciate your support! 💕

World map

April 15, 2022

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