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How to prepare for a digital nomad lifestyle – Part 1

Welcome to the 1st part of the series: How to prepare for a digital nomad lifestyle – Starting an online business. Learn what online skills you could learn to start earning money online, and my favorite resources to help you along the way.

Although I’m by no means an expert at this subject, I have been working towards starting an online business for a really long time. I mean, I probably dabbled in over 8 different ways to make money online in the past 6 years. 😬

And even though some of those endeavors didn’t work out for me, it doesn’t mean it can’t work for you. So, get out there, invest in learning new skills, and equip yourself with the best resources to start an online business and start earning money while you travel the world.

Learning new online skills

There are A LOT of different digital skills you can learn to make an income online. A few of these include:

  • Social Media Manager
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Graphic Designer
  • Web Designer
  • Pinterest Manager
  • Facebook Ads Manager
  • Web Developer
  • Brand Designer
  • Video Editor
  • Copywriter
  • Bookkeeper
  • Sell digital products
  • And so many more!!!

And over the years, I’ve stumbled upon a few online courses and platforms to learn in-demand digital skills (like the ones I mentioned above) that you can offer as a freelancer or a business owner and start working remotely.

  • Skillcrush – A woman-owned online school teaching other women how to code. A few of the programs they teach are: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and more.
  • Bucketlist Bombshells – Another women-led online course perfect for learning tech and design skills, as well as how to start an online business and travel the world.
  • Codecademy – Learn how to code for FREE with Codecademy. A great beginner-level starting course.
  • Udemy – You can learn so many different digital skills with Udemy at a very good starting price point. Like, as low as $15 a course. It’s never been easier to learn new skills!

Getting support along the way

Once you learn an online skill and feel ready to share it with the world, or if you already had a skill that you know you can offer online, but you’re not sure how to really start an online business, there are a few programs that are amazing at guiding you in the right direction.

  • The Laptop Lifestyle Bootcamp – Amanda was my first ever business coach and she is amazing at helping you create the foundations for a 6-figure-business. A digital nomad herself, she teaches you how to work on your mindset and establish a legit business, while sharing her experiences as a full-time traveling business owner.
  • Maria Wendt Courses – Maria has a TON of inexpensive online courses to help you uplevel your business and attract more clients online. And although I’ve never signed up for her coaching program, she’s a great business coach, and she releases a lot of free educational videos on Youtube.
  • 9 to Freedom – Ashley is an amazing coach that helps you build the mental and digital foundations to start and grow your business so you can quit your job ASAP. I love her infectious energy, and she’s a badass when it comes to all things Instagram (and DMs!!!)

There are plenty of additional resources all over the internet, but I’ve used all of these courses or programs at some point in the last 6 years, and I highly recommend them for women looking to learn new online skills and the guidance to start an online business so you can offer your new skills and start making money online.

What skill are you going to learn next?

Heads up: As a way to earn passive income, this post may contain affiliate links. This means that if you buy something through one of those links, I might get a commission at NO extra cost to you. I appreciate your support! 💕

Digital Nomad Lifestyle

March 3, 2022

  1. […] The first thing you have to figure out when thinking about becoming a digital nomad is how to make money while traveling the world. In my last blog post, I talked about all the different in-demand skills you can choose from to start making money online and become location independent. I also mentioned different platforms and programs to help you learn these kinds of skills, but also how to start an online business. Check it out HERE. […]

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